Oct 16, 2016 | System Admin | 1159 views
Busy Weekend for Atom LL3
Postma Atom 3 exceed expectations again.
The local atom 3 team new it would be a tough weekend without veteran leader Trenton Decook available in the lineup. We went on the road to West Lorne on Friday night against a very experienced group missing a couple of key players in Decook and Joseph Stoner. Despite a tough battle, we faded a bit late in the game and lost 5-2 despite leading for much of the game.Lucas Vidler was outstanding in goal.
On Sunday, we got redemption with a complete team effort in beating Mooretown 9-5 Sam Knowler led the scoring efforts with a hat trick. He was awarded the team golden jersey for his hard work.
Proud of the efforts Look forward to Southwest on Friday and then we try for revenge on Saturday against West Lorne.
Coach Hamilton