Organization | Oct 18, 2020 | System Admin | 2313 views
Ridgetown Arena Procedures
The Ridgetown arena is scheduled to re-open tomorrow Monday October 19th. The staff their has asked us to communicate the following procedures.
Ridgetown Arena Procedures
The process for entering and exiting the Ridgetown Arena will be slightly different than the
process in Blenheim.
For the time being, dressing rooms will not be open for tying skates and putting helmets on.
Arena management is considering opening the dressing rooms once staff are comfortable with
the new procedures.
The same procedure is in place for waiver forms and mask wearing. As well only 1 parent
per player is allowed to stay as a spectator. Players continue to come dressed except for skates
and helmets.
Entering the Arena
Players and spectators must arrive 15-20 minutes prior to their scheduled ice time. Everyone
will be allowed to enter at the same time and the doors will lock behind them once they enter the
arena. If you are late, you will not be allowed to enter.
There will be 2 areas for players to get ready. Arena staff will direct your team as to which
area your team will be using. One area is the lobby, the other is the hallway where the dressing
rooms are located. No parents are to enter the hallway area. Players requiring parental
assistance with skate tying must use the lobby area.
Parents must remain in the lobby until the previous group has exited the stands.
Exiting the Arena
Spectators will exit the arena immediately following the ice time, using the side door beside
the entrance to the seating area. Players who require assistance with removal of skates will exit
the ice to the stands area. Parents will take their child’s hockey bag into the stands if they will
require assistance with skate removal. There is seating available to remove skates.
Before exiting the arena, teams using the hallway must wait for the teams using the lobby to
clear the area and go on the ice. Arena staff will direct teams to exit via the main entrance or the
side door in the seating area.