Entering the Arenas, News (South Kent Minor Hockey)

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Sep 16, 2021 | Admin | 1053 views
Entering the Arenas
Welcome back South Kent Families!

Just a few things to mention about entering the arena.

 The first set of entrance doors at the arena will be always unlocked so you can enter to register and sign the COVID screening logbook.

second set of doors will be unlocked 15-20mins before ice time.  If there are concerns with this not being enough time to dress and get ready, we would suggest getting half dressed prior to entering the arena.

Spectators in the lobby will be asked to go to the stands once the flood is done and ice time begins, (we would suggest using this time to use the washrooms if needed).

Once the flood is done and ice time begins, the second set of doors will be locked until 15-20 minutes before the start of the next ice time.


 After the ice time is done those in the stands should exit the arena using the backdoors.


The Arena assessment survey can be found here: 





