Feb 25, 2020 | Albert PilBeam | 755 views
Update Feb 25
Good afternoon all,
Quick update for everyone after some pretty exciting playoff hockey behind us.
Overall the playoff run has resulted in some very close hockey games and again we are very proud of the commitment and effort by all. We appreciate the support of the parents and families that show up to the games as well.
I would like to quickly bring to your attention some of the goals that we had set out for this team at the beginning of the season.
I am specifically referring to how it was that we were teaching our athletes to be respectful to each other, the coaches and referees. I bring this up to address an issue that was brought to my attention by many of our parents.
I would like to remind everyone that we all represent South Kent Minor Hockey and with that our actions are being seen by everyone - both on and off the ice - players, parents and family members alike.
I would ask that this best practice of respect to all be considered before engaging in derogatory remarks with other fans or players on the ice. To be direct and to the point, if you can't be respectful or compassionate I would ask you to be silent. This would be in line with what your coaches are teaching the athletes this year.
It has been an enjoyable season for the entire team, we look forward to a fun weekend tournament away and a strong finish to our playoff run!
All tournament information can be found on the calendar for our team. With the early start on Saturday morning, I believe most are arriving Friday night. Look forward to seeing everyone at the hotel, I would be happy to host a hospitality suite in my room for the adults.
As always - any questions or concerns, please contact me directly - 519-784-5081.
Thank you for your continued support,
Coach Albert