Feb 06, 2020 | Albert PilBeam | 746 views
Update Feb 6
Good morning all,
Playoff hockey has begun and with that we have a busy weekend ahead of us!
Just before we start into the playoffs, I just want to again say what a privilege it has been to get to know each of your athletes. I can say that in all of the conversations amongst your coaching staff we have always praised how polite and respectful our group has been all year. It is a direct reflection of some fine parenting by you folks!
Your coaches are very proud of how far each of these young athletes have progressed over this year.
Going forward into playoff hockey we will continue our season long practice of equal opportunity for each athlete. It has been the backbone of our game strategy from the beginning and has served us well for player development.
With that said, there are key times within a playoff/tournament game that we will look to capitalize on opportunities that may present themselves (power plays, penalty killing, final minute - in closely scored games only). The coaches appreciate your understanding and support.
Regardless of the outcome of our playoff hockey, we are very proud of this team and the support you parents have shown throughout the season. The coaches feel that we have prepared our team to the best of our/player abilities and feel we are ready to compete with the best of our league. Noise makers welcome to all playoff games!!
Win or loose, please ensure that our athletes know that we are very proud of their efforts!
We would ask that players arrive to the arena at least 45 mins prior to the start of the game. We would ask they be dressed in a collared shirt, dress style pant (khaki etc.). I spend valuable time prior to the game in the change room explaining game strategy with our athletes and can only do this with them ready to go about 10 mins before we take the ice. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
As always, any questions or concerns - please contact me directly.
Thank you again for your support,
Coach Albert