Tournament Update, News, Atom LL2, 2019-2020 (South Kent Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 13, 2019 | Albert PilBeam | 571 views
Tournament Update
Good morning all,

Just a quick reminder about a few things for this weekend's tournament.

Payment is $36 per athlete and is required today at latest please. Kindly submit to any of the coaches who will forward it along to Coach Dan.

Pizza - following tonight's game (5pm) upstairs Blenhiem Arena, included with the tournament fee.

Team Christmas Pizza Party - Ridgetown Legion Saturday 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm. We will have pizza, pop, water, cookies, chips etc for the athletes immediately following our 12pm game tomorrow.

Of Note - the Ridgetown Christmas Parade is going on between 1-3pm tomorrow. For those not that familiar with Ridgetown, I would suggest the following route from the arena to the Legion to avoid frustration...

Main St. to Lynn St.
South on Lynn St to Jane St.
West on Jane St. to Braodway St.
North 1 block on Braodway St. - will bring you to the back side of the legion, we are booked in the back room.

Hoping for a fun and successful tournament for our team - we appreciate all the fan support from you guys in the seats as well! All noise makers welcome!!

Coach Albert
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