Novice Select Roster Posted !, News, Novice Select, 2017-2018 (South Kent Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 18, 2017 | System Admin | 1390 views
Novice Select Roster Posted !
Hello All,

First off,  Jason would like to thank everyone who tried out. It was a very difficult decision but was reached with the consensus of all the coaches.  The Novice Roster is as follows:

Kingston Boersma

Jackson Broad

Keaton Collins

Cameron Hall

Aiden Jamieson

Archer Kloostra

Oden Osborne

Henry Pegg

Remi Ramboer

Linkin Snary

Logan Stepniak

Jack Vandenhengel

Braydon Vandersluis

Griffin Vandevelde

Noah Vaneck

Nicholas Vaughan

Dylan Vaughan

The next practice slot is in Ridgetown Sunday 3-4 pm.

The fee for select is $175 and a cheque should be made payable to SKMHA.  Jason will collect the funds. 

SKMHA remains dedicated to providing development opportunities  to our players and will be providing more clinics  moving forward, so watch the website for more announcements.

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