Sep 16, 2017 | tverbeek | 1077 views
Novice Rep Tryout #3 Results/ Team Roster
Tryout #3 was an opportunity to get one last look at all the players skills and compete level, and as I had hoped they would, all the kids worked incredibly hard and didn't disappoint. After a couple of tough decisions, I would like to congratulate the following players on making the Novice Rep 2017-18 Roster!
In alphabetical order, the following players have earned a spot on this years Novice Rep Roster:
Anderson, Brighton
Boyko, Heath
Butzer, Austin
Davidson, Roy
DeCook, Dryden
DeCook, Travis
Hill, Landen
Horak, Connor
Keys, Brennon
Kirkwood, Alexander
Merrit, Cade
Rivest, Edan
Smulders, Landon
Soucie, Owen
Verbeek, Rowen
Kloostra, Archer (AP)
Osborne, Oden (AP)
As requested at the Parent meeting today, parents, please email me with all your contact information so a team list can be generated. Also, please remember to bring your player medical form with you to our next practice, as well as a cheque for the Novice Rep fee so we can cross those items off our "to do list".
The Coaching staff and myself are looking forward to a great season with all of you. With everyone pulling on the rope in the same direction, I think we can have a very successful year... no matter how many games we win.
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." - Henry Ford
Best Regards,
Tim Verbeek