Mar 17, 2016 | Jason Ramboer | 2034 views
Extra Ice
Extra Ice Saturday March 18th from 11 am to 1 pm.
Once again the kids will be split and will be playing one of the two ice times.
Please let me know if you cannot make it. If your child is not a the list please let me know. I have simply used the last roster and if your child was not there they will not be on the roster. I will add them if they are coming.
Game # 1 - 11 AM
DARK - 11 AM
Owen Soucie
Brighton Anderson
Ramsey Fraser
Keaton Collins
Travis DeCook
Dryden DeCook
Heath Boyko
Devan Pilbeam
Preston Bellamy
Jack Segeren
Grace Rumble
Game #1 11 AM
Roy Davidson
Brennon Keys
Landon Smulders
Connor Horak
Edan Rivest
Landen Hill
AJ Kirkwood
Joshua White
Nicholas Vaughan
Bryson Pretty
Rowen Verbeek
Game # 2 - 12 AM
DARK - 12 AM
Cade Merritt
Linkin Snary
Jolee Cunningham
Cameron Hall
Greyson Haskell
Grady Jacklin
Logan Genttner
Kaiden Caasenbrood
Preston Ramsey
Lincoln Welton
Medium Oz
Remi Ramboer
Braden Vandersluis
Ryker Schaafsma
Logan Stepniak
Jackson Pepper
Talon Vellinga
Danny Vandersluis
Brayden Sipple
Lia Hillman
Oaklin Myslik
Large Oz (not Jeremy)