Bantam Board Convenors, Bantam LL2, 2014-2015 (South Kent Minor Hockey)
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Bantam Board Convenors
This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
Bantam Board Convenors
There are two convenor in each division to help resolve issues.
If you have a question for the Board or there are issues regarding your child’s team contact your convenor. If it is something concerning safety or abuse contact them immediately.
The convenor will decide if the problem can be resolved or if it needs to presented to the board. All issues must be emailed to the convenor with details. The convenor will respond to your email within 24 hours of receipt of the email. If you are in disagreement with the coaching staff you must adhere to the 24 hour rule.
The 24-hour rule works this way: if you have something to say to the coach or convenor, or they have something to say to you (that could be contentious) wait 24 hours after the event or the game before discussing it. By this time, usually two calm and intelligent adults can successfully resolve the issue. Hockey is an emotional game. It's best to let the emotions simmer before talking to the coach or convenor, adult to adult, preferably away from the rink. If the issue still cannot be resolved the convenor will bring the issue to the board for resolution.
If the email contains any explicit or inappropriate language, the email will be kept on file and not responded to.
Click Here To Email SKMHA
Jeff Schieman
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Shawn Allen