U13 LL#1 Takes Home Silver in the Thorold Minor Hockey Henderson Pharmacy Tournament!!
The Coaching Staff of the U13 LL#1 Team would like to announce their Silver Medal finish from their tournament this past weekend at Thorold.
Local League #1 went undefeated in their 4-game round robin beating Barrie, Erin-Hillsburgh, Thorold #1 and Port Stanley. Sunday morning saw them in a Semi-Final rematch against Thorold #1 before moving on to the finals against the second host team, Thorold #2.
After a hard-fought game, Thorold prevailed proving to be South Kent U13 LL#1's toughest challenge so far this season.
We are very proud of how the players competed all weekend, going the distance over a grueling six game schedule that saw them up at the crack of dawn all three mornings.
A special thanks goes out to all the parents that make weekends like these come together. From organizing dinner reservations, monitoring playtime in the pool, to acting as amateur tour guides, marching the team from the Falls to Clifton Hill on some of the coldest evenings in recent history. You're all medalists as much as the players are!
- Coach Davies