U8/U9 LL - Parents please read!, News (South Kent Minor Hockey)

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Sep 26, 2023 | Chris Knight | 535 views
U8/U9 LL - Parents please read!
This message is for all U8 and U9 players (children born in 2015 or 2016) who are not on the MD or Four Counties team coached by Ryan Wilson.

If your last name begins with the letter A-K, please attend the U8/9 team 1 and 2 skates

If your last name begins with the letter L-Z, please attend the U8/9 team 3 and 4 skates

After we get to see everyone on the ice a few times, we will divide into 4 equal teams based on our Timbit jersey colours.

These four teams will make up our Hockey Night in South Kent League.  

Key points about this group of teams:

1. You get the benefit of two practices per week.
2. Your team is still able to attend jamborees, tournaments and schedule exhibition games vs other centres.
3. Your Saturday night games that will begin later in the fall are very travel and family friendly.
4. You will play full ice games after January 15th.

The success of this program depends on the commitment level of parents.  Even if you aren't comfortable on the ice, you can still help manage a team and line up tournaments, jamborees and exhibition games -  so get involved!

Please contact Matt Hall for more details.