IMPORTANT NOTICE!, News (South Kent Minor Hockey)

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Oct 22, 2021 | Jeanette Holmes | 1551 views
Please read the following message regarding Failure to Adhere to the Ontario Vaccination Mandate.

Failure to adhere to Ontario Vaccine Mandate

As you are all aware on September 22nd 2021 the Ontario Government required proof of vaccination in select settings, including arenas/sporting facilities. All eligible patrons (2009 and older) are required to provide proof of being fully vaccinated 14 days prior to sporting event and provide identification. If you do not wish to follow the guidelines, please do not attend the arena.

Failure to adhere to the policy will result in your player(s) being de-rostered from South Kent Minor Hockey without refund. This includes being disrespectful to any arena staff, SKMHA staff or volunteers. As a whole all players and families were given the opportunity to request refund at the time of the OMHA/Ontario Government Mandate announcement.

Please do not allow your personal views to effect not only your child’s ice time but also everyone else in SKMHA. These rules are not set by the board members of SKMHA. Failure to follow the requirements will put 250 plus members at jeopardy of loss of ice. If there are any issues at the arena the arena staff have been advised to remove all players from scheduled ice time. If you have any issues and concerns with the rules, please forward your concerns to the appropriate governing bodies.

As per municipality of Chatham Kent each user group is responsible to screen all patrons entering the facility, this includes all practices and games. Failure to provide screeners will result in loss of scheduled ice time. We need to come together to make this process as easy as possible for our volunteers and players. Please reach out to your coaches and/or bench staff if you have not already if you would like to assist in the screening process.

Please continue to follow each individual arenas policies on social distancing, mask bylaws, Food and Drink bylaws and proper entering and exiting facilities.

South Kent minor hockey is committed to do whatever we must to ensure the kids all get to stay on the ice this year. Please ensure you are not only following the guidelines set out by CK municipality in our arenas but you will also be representing our center when visiting others.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we navigate through this process.
