Oct 15, 2021 | admin | 710 views
Schedule Changes
After Tuesday's Four Counties scheduling meeting, we were informed by the Referee Association that they are going to have extreme difficulties filling games on weekends. At this time there are only 25 minor hockey referees in Chatham-Kent. They already cancelled games last weekend because they couldn't fill them. None of our leagues had even started yet, so there's a good chance games will have to be cancelled across CK throughout the season.
Be prepared to see major changes to your schedules, as we have to move as many games as possible to weeknights, in the hopes of getting refs for the games. This means many teams will practice on weekends now. As well your practice schedule might not be as regular as we are accustomed to. This will likely affect every team except the IP division.
Please bear with us as we work through this difficult situation.