Proof of Vaccination, News (South Kent Minor Hockey)

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Sep 21, 2021 | ADMIN | 551 views
Proof of Vaccination
As you are likely aware, the new OMHA policy and Provincial Vaccine Policies will come into play starting Wednesday September 22nd.  We wanted to provide you with an update/reminder so that you can be prepared when you arrive. 

For players eligible to have the vaccine, please either email a copy of your receipts or exception ([email protected]) or bring it to the arena and show the convenor at the door before your next practice.  For anyone trying out for the rep teams, you will need to show this before you are able to start the first tryout. You will only need to show this once.

For coaches and bench staff, please either email your receipt to the registrar at [email protected] or come prepared to show your vaccine at the door as well.  We will track this and you will only need to show it once.

For parents and spectators, you will need to show your vaccine receipt or exception letter EACH TIME you come to the arena.  This applies to player that are part of South Kent but are not actively playing at that time (ie siblings). 

Please know that this is not our decision and we ask that you please be respectful of all our students and volunteers who will be manning the doors.  We are here to support kids and we ask that everyone be kind.
