As everyone is aware, the 28 day Provincial lockdown will close all arenas in Chatham-Kent. As such, our hockey season will be paused from December 24, until such time as we are permitted to resume play.
I am happy to report that nearly all of our current SKMHA players registered to play in the Final Session which was slated to begin January 15.
Please continue to check the SKMHA website for future updates on return to play.
Thank you to all of our board members, coaches, trainers, and on-ice volunteers for your dedication to our association throughout this unusual season.
As well, a big Thank You to the staffs of the Ridgetown and Blenheim Arena's for everything you have done to accommodate SKMHA thus far. This hockey season would not have been possible without your efforts.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season.
Lucky Holmes
SKMHA President