Sep 08, 2020 | System Admin | 1392 views
Coaches for the Upcoming Season
Thank you to the following volunteers who will be coaching teams for SKMHA this season.
U18 - Jason Vandernaalt, Glenn Anderson, Owen Bateman, Dylan Smith
U15 - Glenn Anderson, Jason Ulch, Mike Pugh, Chris Fraser
U13 - Lucky Holmes, Scott Lackie, Don DeCook, Ian Rumble
U12 - Matt Hall, Jeremy Osborne, Mike Gaudet, Jason Boersma
U11 - Lee Giffin, Derek Holmes, Mark VanderGreindt, Colin Campbell
U9 - Mark VanDeVelde, Josh Deschryver, Shaun Fuller
U8 - Chris Knight
U7 - IP2 - Kent Burk
- IP1 - Rob Schaafsma