2020-21 Season Pre-Registration, News (South Kent Minor Hockey)

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Jun 15, 2020 | Dan Snary | 2633 views
2020-21 Season Pre-Registration
Hello Current and Future SKMHA Members!

With the ongoing uncertainty of the upcoming season, in place of the normal registration process, we will be doing a Pre-Registration in order to gain a level of interest.  

Read on for more info...

The registration process will run the same as in the past, but will not require any payment at this time.  

If you are a new member, you must create an account once you follow the registration link.

If you have used any programs in the past to supplement payment, we suggest you still go through that process so it is ready to go once we determine a start to the season.

The division names for the upcoming season have been changed by Hockey Canada to avoid confusion as to what age group your child falls into.  The age determined is their age as of Dec 31, 2020.

New groups are as follows:

U7 (formerly HIP)
U8 (formerly Minor Novice)
U9 (formerly Major Novice)
U11 (formerly Atom)
U13 (formerly PeeWee)
U15 (formerly Bantam)
U18 (formerly Midget)

The link to register is here:

Register Here

If you have any questions, please email the Registrar here:


Please share this information with anyone you know who is in hockey or is thinking of starting hockey.

Dan Snary
