SKMHA UPDATE - MARCH 24, 2020, News (South Kent Minor Hockey)

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Mar 23, 2020 | System Admin | 2073 views
SKMHA Board and Executive have the following update for our members.


SKMHA will be postponing the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is usually held in April, due to the current advisories from local health officials. We will provide a date and venue for the AGM when it is deemed safe to hold such gatherings. A minimum of 30 days notice will be provided to the membership.

well, SKMHA will be extending the deadline for Director’s nominations. We require 8-12 Directors on the Board in order to have a hockey season. Currently we only have 4 nominees. The nomination form can be found on the SKMHA website. Any current member in good standing is qualified to be nominated.


Coaching applications for the 2020-21 season will be posted at a later date as well. We want to thank all of our coaches and team staff members from this past season. Your dedication to our teams was much appreciated.

Registration for the 2020-21 will be postponed until updates from OMHA and Hockey Canada are received.

SKMHA will also be taking applications to attend OMHA Referee School. Currently the school is scheduled for September 18-20, 2020. Anyone born in 2003, 2004, or 2005 is encouraged to apply. SKMHA will select 3 applicants to attend the school. The application will be posted on our website soon.

SKMHA would like to encourage all of our members to support our sponsors in any way possible during this difficult time. Many of our sponsors have supported minor hockey for many years and we thank them greatly for their contributions.

Wishing good health to all,

SKMHA President

Lucky Holmes
