Rep Tryouts this Week, News (South Kent Minor Hockey)

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Sep 10, 2018 | System Admin | 1593 views
Rep Tryouts this Week
The Novice Group got started Sunday with their 1st tryout and will hit the ice again Friday and Saturday.  The rest of the squads will have their tryouts this week and the Midgets into next week.

Atom Rep and Bantam Rep hit the ice tonight and Wednesday.  Peewee's start tomorrow night.  With the Midget tryouts starting on Saturday.  Please check the schedule from the main page.

Organization Calendar

The Rep Coaches may have further instructions about how the tryouts will run when you get to the arena, so please make sure you or your child pay close attention at the arena. 

On Saturday it is important that all Local League Players attend the conditioning skates,  so that the players can be divided evenly into teams for a competitive season. 

thanks and good luck everyone!
