Aug 29, 2018 | System Admin | 1493 views
PreSeason Schedule Changes- Please Note
Changes have been made to the schedule for Sept. 5th, Sept 6th, 12th and 15th for the Tyke, Novice, Atom and Peewee groups.
Hello Parents of Tyke, Atom, Novice, and Peewee Groups. Changes have been made that effect your groups.
Tyke - Wednesday Sept 12th was 5-6 now 6-7 pm
Atom - Wednesday Sept 5th was 6-7 now 7-8 pm
Atom m-z - Wednesday Sept 5th was 7-8 now 8-9 pm
PW a-h Wednesday Sept 5th was 8-9 now 9-10 pm
PW j-Z Wednesday Sept 6th was the 5th 9-10 pm NOW THURSDAY 9-10 PM
Novice - Wednesday Sept 5th was 5-6 now 6-7 pm
Novice Rep Tryout 2 Sept 12th was 6-7 pm NOW CANCELLED
Novice Rep Practice Sept 15th 12-1 pm now Novice Rep Tryout 3
Novice Rep Practice added Sept 16th 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Please review the schedule to review these changes.