Jun 02, 2017 | System Admin | 2216 views
June Registration Sessions
The first in a series of June Registration Sessions will be held Wednesday June 7th 6-8 pm @ the Blenheim Firehall
Come on out to the Registration session Wednesday with your post-dated cheque to pay before prices go up July 1st. More registration sessions are coming with those dates TBA.
DATE : WEDNESDAY JUNE 7TH, from 6 - 8 pm @ the Blenheim Firehall
Once again this year substantial savings are available by registering early. The fees have been set and are available here:
Registration Fees Corrected 2017-18
Cheques should be made payable to SKMHA and can be post-dated to July 1st, 2017.
Please follow all Registration instructions or your Registration will not be processed. You can find it under the Registration Tab on the Main Page of the website or by clicking here:
Registration Instructions
Please fill out the form and print in advance, as forms will not be available at the Registration. They are also available by clicking the links below:
SKMHA Registration Form Fillable
SKMHA Registration Form (paper form)