Dec 31, 2016 | System Admin | 1567 views
Skills Clinic Sponsorship Announcement!
The South Kent Minor Hockey Association is very pleased
to announce changes to the Skills Clinics:
Due to generous donations from our community partners “Ridge LandFill” and “Howard Mutual Medical Foundation” the skills clinic’s will be FREE moving forward.
The skills clinic will also be renamed to the Ridge LandFill, Howard Mutual Medical Foundation Skills Clinic.
On behalf of the “South Kent Minor Hockey Association” we would like to thank “Ridge LandFill” & “Howard Mutual Medical Foundation” for their support in giving children in our community a great opportunity to have fun and develop hockey skills at the same time.
Please watch the website for scheduling announcements that pertain to your child for upcoming
Ridge LandFill, Howard Mutual Medical Foundation Skills Clinic’s.
SKMHA Board of Directors and Executive