Aug 29, 2016 | System Admin | 1804 views
Tryouts Start Today! - Reminder for all Parents and Players!
Rep Tryouts will start today, if you are interested in either REP or AE you are
encouraged to attend. Novice & Atom start 2nite, Peewee & Bantam Tuesday.$10 Fee
IMPORTANT! --->ALL skaters will be evaluated for both REP and AE during these tryouts. If there are enough players and their skill level is appropriate for AE, then an AE team will be fielded in that division. There will be additional skate(s) added for final cuts to the AE teams on Thursday Sept 1st. (as required)
(Timing TBD – watch the website and schedule for updates)
So to summarize REP and AE tryouts are at the same time
Midget Tryout schedule is still to be determined.
$10 Fee per tryout