Jul 20, 2015 | dtrudgen | 2463 views
Blenheim Hockey School
The seventh annual Blenheim Hockey School for young players looking to improve their on-ice skills will be held Monday, Aug. 17 to Friday, Aug. 21 at the Blenheim Memorial Arena.
The school is run in conjunction with the Blenheim Blades and the South-Kent Minor Hockey Association.
As in past years there will be a Novice/Atom division, a goaltender division and a Peewee/Bantam division for male and female players.
The Peewees and Bantams will hit the ice at 2 p.m. followed by the Novice and Atoms at 3:30 and the goaltenders at 5. The cost for each of the divisions is $150. Players who can only make some of the days will pay $30 a session.
Parents wishing to register their children can contact Bill Saunders at (519)676-7603 or at [email protected] for more information.
Cheques can be made out to the Blenheim Blades Hockey Club and sent to Blenheim Blades Hockey Club, P.O. Box 1775, Blenheim, Ontario, N0P 1A0.