The South Kent Minor Hockey Association (SKMHA) was formed by the enthusiastic union of two great Communities of Blenheim and Ridgetown, who are equally rich in Hockey History and development of young people through ideals of fair play; sportsmanship and fun.
Our main Mission is to serve our SKMHA Members. Providing a safe, fun forum for all Youth to play the game of Hockey is the reason we exist as a Board, and we will execute the SKMHA Policies and Procedures to that end.
On behalf of SKMHA, we want to thank you for the opportunity to serve you and wish you all success and enjoyment.
South Kent Minor Hockey Association shall endeavour to provide a wholesome hockey experience for the participants and all others involved, including coaches, managers, parents and league officials in pursuit of the belief that the experience derived will benefit the acquisition of values learned from competition and sportsmanship, which values will serve those involved in all aspects of their lives.
The SKMHA Board